Lisa had an ovary removed in 1987 when they found a huge ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit, and of course the cyst and ovary had to be removed together. For some reason the doctor then implied that she would only have a 50% chance of getting pregnant. I don't think that really was the case. But when she found out she was pregnant over a year later, she was a little upset and excited at the same time. In Jimmy's mind, she had lost her mother and he knew she always wanted children, so I think there was some deception on his part when they had gotten together one evening and he didn't use protection but told her he did. He wanted her to be happy again, and I guess getting her pregnant was a logical idea to him.
I was excited but annoyed that Jimmy was careless. This was a new life, something you just don't jump into casually and without thinking all the normal thoughts of how you're going to care for a new one when you barely make enough for what you do have responsibilities for. And for me, this would mean I would have to move out of the apartment, so the new one could have his or her own room. And the family to be could be on their own. Yep, I was a little selfish then, heck I think I was really selfish my entire life spent in Colorado.
I believe the first thing Lisa did was quit smoking when she learned of her pregnancy. Good for her. I know that was difficult. I don't know that she stayed true to it all the time, but she tried. Jimmy did not quit smoking, and I am sure I didn't. Hindsight tells me that everyone should have quit because even secondary smoke is bad for the unborn baby. The mother-to-be breathes that air and the nasty stuff in the smoke gets into her system just as if she were smoking herself.
Lisa and I spent time shopping for stuff she'd need, but most of the things she would get at the baby shower thrown in Spring 1989. She did get a lot of needed things, and her theme for the baby's room was Disney characters. It was so cute to see.
Now even though I wasn't a practicing Catholic at the time, and neither were Lisa nor Jimmy, Lisa asked me to be her child's Godmother. I took this very seriously. I learned that besides the Christening Gown, the baby to be baptized would need a white stole. I bought a cross stitch canvas that tears away and created my own design to make the stole. I sewed a Cross on one end and had to wait until I knew what name they would give the new one before I could embroider the other end with the child's given name.
Before I could accept the role of Godparent, we thought this over and I decided that I would join a parish in town in case the priest that would baptize the child needed to know this. I never went to Mass at the parish, but I believe it was called St. James and it was located in Denver. This was a little deception on my part, but to me I was trying to do the best to meet the role I was taking on, without actually being the best practicing Catholic godparent on the planet.
Jimmy's Dad was going to be the child's Godfather. I thought this was odd as a Grandparent already plays a huge role in the child's life, but truly Lisa didn't know many other Catholics, and Jimmy's Dad was a practicing Catholic. It was just us kids that were not. I had quit the Church a couple years earlier. But the teachings of the Church were instilled in my head. Hard to drum out all that knowledge with 10 years of PSR classes and a former Nun for a mother. And Catholics all over the place in my family. Lisa had quit after confirmation, I don't think her Father was a big fan of the Church and insisted his daughters just follow their heart even if that meant quitting the Church.
Sometime in early 1989, Lisa's obstetrician said that she and Jimmy should learn the Lamaze method of childbirth. So she signed up to take the classes, but Jimmy wasn't up for any classes. I don't really remember why. So I took his place at several classes. Lisa wanted me there at the birth event, so I had to learn the method. Very interesting stuff, and she did well at the classes. But always was upset when Jimmy didn't join her. He did show a couple times.
When it got closer to the due date in May 1989, I would come to their apartment and help her practice. Jimmy wouldn't do that either. (I had moved out in early 1989 to my own small apartment. We'll discuss this adventure in a future post.) On May 31st, I came over to the apartment to do the routine but when I got there, all hell broke loose. First, Jimmy's parents were there, they were all having dinner together, when Lisa's water broke. However, she didn't realize that was what had happened. As a matter of fact, she had been in labor all day, but didn't know it. The pains were not that strong she said. After she showed me where her water broke, I told her that is what it was and then I ran out and told Jimmy. He came in the room and stayed with Lisa while I called the doctor to him we were on our way to the hospital. The baby was coming!
Lisa felt there was no time to wait for an ambulance, so they decided Jimmy would drive her to the hospital. I sat in the back seat and helped keep her calm. I remember that Jimmy's parents drove separately. We got Lisa in the car and tried to get her to be as comfortable as possible. That was entirely difficult. That baby was shooting to get out! And then the sky opened up and it started storming and raining hard, and it was a mess to get to the hospital and not be revved up from the nasty weather and the new arrival just minutes from being born!
We got to the hospital only to find out we were at the wrong entrance!! More freaking drama and chaos. Finally Jimmy got to the correct door, we shouted for someone to bring a wheelchair. The hospital staff took over. They got Lisa admitted, and got her in a birthing room. They hooked up heart monitors and all sorts of commotion was going on, I don't remember it all. They checked for the baby's heartbeat, it was big and strong. It was awesome, this was it!! Then the nurse said the doctor wasn't there yet. Dummy me told him the wrong hospital. I gave the hospital where we had taken Lamaze classes, but Lisa later said that she had chosen to have the baby at another hospital in town. Ay carumba! My gosh, I was a nervous ass wreck during this.
Meanwhile, the nurse also said that Lisa needed to use her Lamaze training, she could not get an epidural because she was already at 10 centimeters...and the baby was nearly starting down the birth canal. Holy cow Batman!!! And to my amazement Jimmy stepped in and took over helping Lisa focus on something and do her proper breathing. I was happy he did that. She once asked to hold my hand as she fought back the urge to push. I had to tell her no. Why? Because I had memories of two years before when she had to have that surgery to remove her ovary. She had grabbed my arm while in pain, and after having pushed the button that dosed her with pain meds, and she nearly tore my arm off. After that, I said no to her ever grabbing my arm while in immense pain. I cared about Lisa, but geez I still wanted to have an arm too! LOL
Once the doctor got there, Lisa's Mother-in-law left the room. She had birthed 4 kids of her own, she said she wasn't interested in being in there while someone else went through all the pain. I stayed and of course Jimmy stayed. The doctor gave her the go ahead to push and she did and within minutes, little Anthony James was born! Only an hour and half lapsed between when Lisa's water broke to when Anthony James made his entrance to the world. Truly a world record in births, maybe!
The nurses checked him out head to toe, he was perfect! I had never seen a live birth before, this was so awesome an event to behold!!! Then the doctor said he had to stitch Lisa up, she had a pretty good tear at the vaginal opening and needed some stitches. These would cause a lot of discomfort for several days. They put Anthony James in her arms and the little family was now complete.
.... I have never had any children of my own, I find it special in my heart to have been witness to the birth of my Godson. It was spectacular, and dramatic, and nerve wracking and awesome!!! I believe everyone should witness the birth of a baby. It makes you realize how precious life is...and how beautiful every single baby is. God blessed me with that unique experience. I was just glad that Anthony James didn't decide to pop out while we were en route in the car to the hospital. That would have been way too much more drama than any of us could stand.
The new little family
Me holding newborn Anthony James
New Daddy Jimmy holding his son at home
New Mommy Lisa holding Anthony James in his bedroom
More Auntie Sue baby holding time!
Anthony James Baptism
Priest, Lisa holding Anthony James, Jimmy and Grandpa/Godfather in front
Priest, Lisa holding Anthony James, Jimmy and Grandpa/Godfather in front
Me behind Lisa
Priest filling out the baptismal record
And Godmother Sue holding Anthony James again!!
I'd get a lot of time doing that...
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